I guess the word ‘Happiness’ is the most grossly misunderstood emotion in today’s world. Strangely while we take out time to search the miseries in our lives, we really do not take any effort to bring in this positive emotion within us. Why do we fail this most wanted emotion?
Most of our emotions are vis-à-vis the others who matter in our life. Envy, Anger, Hate, Love et al are emotions that we have in us whilst we consider the other people in our lives. These are not attributes that one harbors for them self. Yes, it is true that you can say with pride that you love yourself, however this love as an emotion, for yourself within reasonable parameters is not an obsessive feeling unless you are a narcissistic personality. These personalities being rare and not on an average scale will be excluded in this evaluation of the term ‘happiness’.
Happiness is a state of mind that resides deep within us and only we have the controls with which we can feel a sense of happiness. Unfortunately while we agree that we have various things that do alter the state of our minds in our day to day activities, we rarely put any effort to bring in this positive emotion within us. Why is it that we go long lengths to ease the misery in our life but still remain unhappy? Are we really wanting to feel happy or is it that we correlate happiness with material or physical needs? Or is it that we call happiness the short spell of joy we feel we have acquired from these material or physical presence in our life. I will request you to permit me to explore this all encompassing emotion in your life.
What is Happiness? The dictionary defines it as ‘State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy’ and also as ‘Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being’. From this definition you will realize that this is an emotion that wells up within oneself. Only you can feel and experience it. You may agree with this feeling as an emotion, but it is related to your state of well-being.
This brings us to a new area, what is a state of well-being? A state of well-being is a feeling of warmness around you. What gives us a feeling of warmness? Security in terms of good health, reasonable clothing, sufficient food and shelter over our head, if in agreeable proportion, we term our home, our life in a state of well-being.
The two adjectives in the last sentence, reasonable and sufficient, are of very high importance if you really want to feel happiness. Reasonable and sufficient are words that we normally connote to be linked to our social status. Of what value is our status in the society when deep inside us, we are filled with negative emotions and insecure in our own self worth. Our life does not in reality depend upon how much and what we have or what we can own in line with the others whom we may know or not know. When life itself is limited of what use is anything in excess, surely the positive emotion which each of us is entitled to, does not depend upon material or physical excesses but is based on our own appreciation of what we are and how we are.
It is true that the present lifestyle does require us to be extravagant in our needs but it can cost you your freedom in terms of stress build-up. Loss of peace can make you feel low and be a blow to your self esteem. Whilst stress today can be the biggest killer in each of us, a peaceful and happy feeling is definitely more important. Urban and suburban drudgery can be seen across all civilized world and this can spell havoc with your life and family. To combat this, one needs to attribute positive points to every small and significant development in ones day to day routine. Simple things like a beautiful morning, a cheerful Hello from your spouse and kids, a welcome bark from your pet can make us feel far more worthy in our own small world than anything large in the society. Small wonders, can create big happiness, the best always come in small containers, like the diamonds and gold. Surely if these were available in plenty, the value we have attributed to these prideful jewels would not have been there.
In our endless search for inner peace and tranquility we have stripped our own value and endorsed pride in material and physical possessions. In the last few decades the quality of life may have gone up in terms of material things but has caused an irreprehensible loss of human values. There are today in our homes a constant bickering and the familial fabric been pulled apart as neither of us are prepared to appreciate the other. Look around you and you can see the kamikaze streak in each of us, educated and trained effectively in self destruction. We seek happiness in tumultuous relationship that we make and harbor to feel moments of joy. Small joys that thaw the moment we are back to our routine activities. Is this what we seek so desperately or are we willing to make our life sparkle from within.
Truly said, your face is the mirror of your soul. Happiness can be seen across the room and across the street. Instead of searching the meaning of your life and happiness outside you, for a change, do a soul search. You will be a lot more in peace if you do consider your soul and the values it has to your own existence. Soul searching is similar to you asking your face in the mirror of what you have done and how you would justify your actions. There is no one else that is asking you but yourself. You just cannot be dishonest at least to yourself.
We are all related to one another, but for a true meaning of a relation, please do not look for what you stand to gain, more importantly see if you can make a difference in the relation that you harbor. Charity can create more happiness than any wants one might have. Be charitable in your speech, in your actions and most importantly cherish this moment in your life for it will never come back again. Money is important but it has no value when everything is crumbling within you. Money can buy everything save happiness. Happiness is so much more precious that only a self regulation can surface this deep running stream in each of us. Learn to be happy and spread happiness for this is one thing that will return in multiples compounded many times over. Happiness will never age you and you will feel younger from within and from outside. Ever youth for free, without using any so called expensive age defying crèmes.
Indulge yourself in inner peace and value build-up and see happiness spread its radiance across the world.
Most of our emotions are vis-à-vis the others who matter in our life. Envy, Anger, Hate, Love et al are emotions that we have in us whilst we consider the other people in our lives. These are not attributes that one harbors for them self. Yes, it is true that you can say with pride that you love yourself, however this love as an emotion, for yourself within reasonable parameters is not an obsessive feeling unless you are a narcissistic personality. These personalities being rare and not on an average scale will be excluded in this evaluation of the term ‘happiness’.
Happiness is a state of mind that resides deep within us and only we have the controls with which we can feel a sense of happiness. Unfortunately while we agree that we have various things that do alter the state of our minds in our day to day activities, we rarely put any effort to bring in this positive emotion within us. Why is it that we go long lengths to ease the misery in our life but still remain unhappy? Are we really wanting to feel happy or is it that we correlate happiness with material or physical needs? Or is it that we call happiness the short spell of joy we feel we have acquired from these material or physical presence in our life. I will request you to permit me to explore this all encompassing emotion in your life.
What is Happiness? The dictionary defines it as ‘State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy’ and also as ‘Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being’. From this definition you will realize that this is an emotion that wells up within oneself. Only you can feel and experience it. You may agree with this feeling as an emotion, but it is related to your state of well-being.
This brings us to a new area, what is a state of well-being? A state of well-being is a feeling of warmness around you. What gives us a feeling of warmness? Security in terms of good health, reasonable clothing, sufficient food and shelter over our head, if in agreeable proportion, we term our home, our life in a state of well-being.
The two adjectives in the last sentence, reasonable and sufficient, are of very high importance if you really want to feel happiness. Reasonable and sufficient are words that we normally connote to be linked to our social status. Of what value is our status in the society when deep inside us, we are filled with negative emotions and insecure in our own self worth. Our life does not in reality depend upon how much and what we have or what we can own in line with the others whom we may know or not know. When life itself is limited of what use is anything in excess, surely the positive emotion which each of us is entitled to, does not depend upon material or physical excesses but is based on our own appreciation of what we are and how we are.
It is true that the present lifestyle does require us to be extravagant in our needs but it can cost you your freedom in terms of stress build-up. Loss of peace can make you feel low and be a blow to your self esteem. Whilst stress today can be the biggest killer in each of us, a peaceful and happy feeling is definitely more important. Urban and suburban drudgery can be seen across all civilized world and this can spell havoc with your life and family. To combat this, one needs to attribute positive points to every small and significant development in ones day to day routine. Simple things like a beautiful morning, a cheerful Hello from your spouse and kids, a welcome bark from your pet can make us feel far more worthy in our own small world than anything large in the society. Small wonders, can create big happiness, the best always come in small containers, like the diamonds and gold. Surely if these were available in plenty, the value we have attributed to these prideful jewels would not have been there.
In our endless search for inner peace and tranquility we have stripped our own value and endorsed pride in material and physical possessions. In the last few decades the quality of life may have gone up in terms of material things but has caused an irreprehensible loss of human values. There are today in our homes a constant bickering and the familial fabric been pulled apart as neither of us are prepared to appreciate the other. Look around you and you can see the kamikaze streak in each of us, educated and trained effectively in self destruction. We seek happiness in tumultuous relationship that we make and harbor to feel moments of joy. Small joys that thaw the moment we are back to our routine activities. Is this what we seek so desperately or are we willing to make our life sparkle from within.
Truly said, your face is the mirror of your soul. Happiness can be seen across the room and across the street. Instead of searching the meaning of your life and happiness outside you, for a change, do a soul search. You will be a lot more in peace if you do consider your soul and the values it has to your own existence. Soul searching is similar to you asking your face in the mirror of what you have done and how you would justify your actions. There is no one else that is asking you but yourself. You just cannot be dishonest at least to yourself.
We are all related to one another, but for a true meaning of a relation, please do not look for what you stand to gain, more importantly see if you can make a difference in the relation that you harbor. Charity can create more happiness than any wants one might have. Be charitable in your speech, in your actions and most importantly cherish this moment in your life for it will never come back again. Money is important but it has no value when everything is crumbling within you. Money can buy everything save happiness. Happiness is so much more precious that only a self regulation can surface this deep running stream in each of us. Learn to be happy and spread happiness for this is one thing that will return in multiples compounded many times over. Happiness will never age you and you will feel younger from within and from outside. Ever youth for free, without using any so called expensive age defying crèmes.
Indulge yourself in inner peace and value build-up and see happiness spread its radiance across the world.